What Will You Say?
September 19, 2018
The enemy tries to stop me from sharing little lessons I learn each day from the Lord by making me think that people roll their eyes and keep on scrolling…but the enemy has been defeated and if I can help one person, my job is done. So I hope my little morning devotions help you when you read them.
Today I read the scripture about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Death and resurrection, 2 very prominent words in the Christian faith. We hear them over and over but do we stop to really think about what they mean?
Jesus died the most agonizing and painful death. Just before his last breath, he cries out, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?” Can you even begin to imagine what it would feel like to physically feel that the Lord has forsaken you? That he has left you completely on your own? The good news is that if you are a believer in Christ, you will NEVER have to feel that because God promises to NEVER FORSAKE US. Thank you Lord. The moment Jesus breathes his final breath, the veil that used to separate us from God was torn top to bottom, giving us full access to the Father. Can you imagine the look on the centurion and Pharisees faces?? “Oh, maybe he was the son of God…oops.”
3 days later, God performs his ultimate act of love and resurrects Jesus from the grave, DEFEATING DEATH. Why is this great news for you and me? Because death is no longer scary for us. If you are a follower of Jesus, death can’t hold you to the earth either. You will rise and join your Heavenly Father and dance with the angels. Hallelujah!
Here’s the part of the story where the Holy Spirit convicts me. The moment I walk up to God himself and he asks me what I have done in this life to love and serve others. What have I done to further his kingdom? Oh man, I’m about to learn my place in heaven. I’m about to earn (or not earn) my crown of jewels. What will I tell him?
Will I say “Lord, I made your name known through my actions. I helped out at homeless shelters. I gave to organizations each month that do your work. I cared for the fatherless. I gave to the poor, I tithed to the church. I helped friends in times of need”?
Or will I say “I talked about you on social media and in texts with other Christians!”
Whoa. Is that enough? Is typing out my faith being like Jesus? Is waking up early to pray and write prayers and then share with my friends enough? This scripture comes to mind.
“But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
James 2:18 NIV
I want not only my words that I feverishly type into my phone to show my faith, but I want my ACTIONS to show my faith. I want to walk up to the Lord in Heaven in such a Holy confidence that I KNOW without a doubt that I furthered His kingdom on earth not only with my words, but with my actions. I didn’t just tell people about Jesus. I showed them who Jesus is. I showed them his character by forgiving, by opening my home, by giving and not holding on to my money with closed fists. By praying for them instead of just offering encouraging words.
Lord, make me more like you today. Give me opportunities to not only tell them, but to SHOW people who you are.
“The only thing I want in life, is to be known for loving Christ. To build his church, to love his bride, and make his name known far and wide.” -The Cause of Christ by Kari Jobe.
Photo Credit: Frank Vex @unsplash