What a prostitute taught me about love.
September 24, 2018
In John chapter 4, Jesus is walking through the town and sees a woman alone at the well. He sits with her and has a chat.
What you should know about the woman is that 1. She was a Samaritan. These people were completely looked DESPISED by the Jews. (Jesus was a Jew.) So the fact that Jesus speaks to her tells us so much about Jesus’ character. 2. She was alone at the well which was uncommon. It tells us how much of an outcast she was from her people, probably because she was marked as immoral or maybe even a prostitute.
Jesus doesn’t just give her a hello in passing, no. Jesus stops what he’s doing and offers this woman eternal life. He tells her that those who drink of the living water will live forever. He tells her that he sees her and He knows all of the sins she has committed, but he loves her anyway.
The Samaritan woman is so elated that the Messiah himself not only speaks to her, but truly loves her despite her past. She runs through the town telling everyone about the unconditional love of Jesus! How brave! How inspiring! Isn’t that what we are called to do? Shout from the rooftops so everyone can hear of the unfailing love of God? Here I am doing just that!
This story reminds me that Jesus, God himself, is our ONLY source of unconditional love. We may feel that we have unconditional love on this side of heaven from our spouses, friends, or family, but it’s definitely not as UNconditional as the love from our Heavenly Father. Without condition. No matter what we have done or continue to do in this lifetime, God NEVER stops loving us. And not just loving us; PURSUING us. Actively and fiercely coming after us, no holds barred.
There is NOTHING that you could do to stop the reckless love of God. Could you lose love from the world and the people in your lives? Absolutely. But you could never lose the love of our Father.
Be blessed today knowing that your shame in what you have done is covered in the blood of Jesus. That there’s nothing that can keep you from being loved. That His face will always look down on you with the loving and approving face of a Father. All you have to do is look up and receive that love. #happyMonday