I’m sort of sitting here in awe right now, re-reading a text from a friend. Her words were “I love it. I think God gave you a revelation of how to pray.” I keep reading over and over again. Could God really have revealed something like this to me in the middle of the night? Yes, I believe he could, and I believe He did.
Somehow last night I started dreaming about praying for police officers. I think something on social media, probably another End of Watch post triggered something in my subconscious. Those types of posts kill me. For those who don’t know, my husband is a police officer. I can barely read posts about the End of Watch, much less listen to the recording of the final call on the radio. Whatever it was, I started dreaming in a deep state of sleep.
In my dream, I am praying. I am praying for God to protect my husband. I am praying that He, in all of His goodness, makes sure nothing happens to him out there on the road. I imagined that God is way up high in the atmosphere, and that prayers all over the world were being lifted from fellow police wives. That our prayers were floating up above the earth and directly into God’s ears. I could hear the muffled sound of each prayer and sort of like in a movie, I could pick out key words from each cry for help. “Please God,” “protect him,” “we have children,” “watch over him,” “I love him,” “Lord don’t let anything happen to him,” and other phrases like that were being heard from all around the world. And that’s when the revelation happened.
I started thinking, wait…
God is good. Above all, above any tragedy, above any sickness and brokenness our world endures, God is good. So, are we convincing Him, the Almighty, to protect our police officers by begging Him to? Is it like He won’t protect them unless He hears us begging? I hope my words are coming out in the way they are in my head. Do you think that He thought “okay well, she asked me to protect Him, I guess I’ll do that.”? I don’t.
I think we need to change the way that we pray. I don’t think that asking an already good God to do something good is enough. I don’t think that it is the best way to protect our loved ones. Here’s what God revealed to me.
We were given power. Power of the Holy Spirit. On the day that Jesus died on the cross, death and hell were defeated. We, His followers, were given the Holy Spirit to guide us, to teach us, and for POWER. I think the way that we pray for protection is by declaring over our husband’s, or for anyone you want to pray for, that Jesus’ blood is COVERING them. That where Jesus is present, the enemy can not be. (Remember, there is only one satan. He is not omnipresent. He can not be everywhere at once, like our Father is. But he does have spirits working with him and against us.) We not only pray, we DECLARE that this man, or loved one, is safe and secure, covered by the blood of Jesus. We should COMMAND that the enemy stays far away from them. We should DENOUNCE any spiritual darkness from stepping foot anywhere near them. We should COVER them in the spiritual armor of God. We BIND UP any demonic activity near our loved ones and send them to the feet of Jesus Christ! We CALL UPON angels assigned to us and to them and thank them in advance for being their guardians.
Does that seem too forward? Like we don’t have that kind of power? Listen friend, we do. We were given the power to cast darkness back to hell!! Can you believe that?? I feel so silly in thinking that all of this time I had this ability and this gift and I’ve been using it all wrong! A simple “please protect Him” isn’t going to move God one way or the other. He is GOOD and He wants GOOD for all of His children! I believe that He gave me the revelation on how to pray in the most effective way and it got me thinking that I should be praying this way in other areas of my life as well.
We have been trying to have a baby for 4 years and my prayers have always been “God please give me a baby. Please make me a mother and my husband a father. Please grant the desire of my heart. Please God, please God!” But now, I can look at these prayers and think “Danielle, God is good! He wants nothing more than to bless you with a baby! He wants nothing more than to look down and see you finally smiling and holding a chunky little dimpled newborn. So why are you asking Him to do good if He is good?” What should I be praying instead? I should be using the POWER of the Holy Spirit to DECLARE healing over my body. I should be BINDING UP the spirit of Infirmity that may be plaguing me and my reproductive system and sending it to the feet of Jesus Christ. I should be DENOUNCING any spiritual darkness lurking in my heart or soul and causing confusion. I should be CALLING UPON the angels assigned to me to lead me in the path of restoration, healing, and rest. I should be COVERING myself daily in the blood of Jesus Christ and sending spiritual attacks straight back to hell. I should be walking in VICTORY knowing that God’s plan is so good and that I have the absolute power and privilege of the Holy Spirit to walk in freedom.
This power has been inside of me all along and I am so thankful that God revealed this to me in such a way last night. I believe that I was once a Christian with a power I didn’t tap into and now I am a POWERFUL Christian. Thank you JESUS!! I hope that this post stirs something in your soul to access the amazing GIFT we were given on that day of Pentecost. I hope that you let each and every word of a revelation from our Heavenly Father sink in. I hope that you feel strength rising up in your chest as you look at prayer from another angle and I hope that you begin to COVER and CAST OUT, and DECLARE, and CALL UPON, and DENOUNCE instead of just simply asking.
God bless.